Online technical video consultation
As a former marathon world champion, national coach and physiotherapist. I would like to help you develop your technique to a higher level and help you to achieve your goals without getting injuries.
After COVID it has become more common to use online video consultations, so why not try to get feed back on your technique by using online video consultation.
Book an appointment in my calendar through this link:
The booking-system I’m using are working on a better and easier English configuration, where hopefully there will be visual Danish and UK flags for choosing language. But until then you can press here (photo) and choose English.
The consultation will be a 50’ minutes online supervision where I will go through the videos with you and give you feedback, on key areas for you to work on, in order to improve your technique.
What you need to do prior to our appointment, is to send me 3-5 video sequences of yourself paddling. Optimal length of videos approximately 20-30” seconds each. There should be videos viewed straight from the front and straight from the back, to make it possible to look for asymmetry.In addition to this there should be two videos with a view from each side.
Watch the video examples, with Mads Brandt Pedersen, one of the best marathon paddlers in the world. Choose "Video eksempler - kajak" in the drop down menu above .
You do not need to have access to a motorboat, you can just as well get someone to film you from the shore, a bridge or another kayak. The most important thing is that the angels are as straight as can be. Finally, the videos should be taken on calm water so what we see is the baseline technique.
The videos can be from a session on the water in your kayak or surfski, but it can also be from an ergometer session if you prefer that. But it is important that length and angle are as described above, so we have some good quality material.
During the session I’ll share my screen with your videos and go through the key areas you need to work on, as well as give you exercises to enhance the focus on that particular movement.
Hope to see you online soon.
Booking guidance